If you have provided Rideau Trail hikers access to your private property, your property is among more than 70 private properties that allow hikers to pass through them along the length of the main Rideau Trail and associated connector and loop trails. The RTA would like to extend our sincere gratitude to each landowner for your cooperation and permission
The Rideau Trail Associations network of trails could not exist without the cooperation of important stakeholders, both private and public (landowners, farmers, Provincial Parks, Conservations Areas, cities, towns, townships). You have generously granted us permission to access your land for foot-traffic only.
These permissions do not grant hikers access to your entire property, but only to the portions that lie along the Rideau Trail as shown on our maps and as marked by orange triangular trail markers (main Rideau Trail) or blue triangular markers (all other connector or loop trails). When hiking the RTA trails, all users are expected to use stiles to climb fences and close gates after themselves. We abide by Leave No Trace principles.

Hunting Season
The province of Ontario has various hunting seasons throughout the fall period. It is understood that many landowners do permit hunting on their land during these seasons. During the two week period (normally) when rifles are allowed to be used for deer hunting, the RTA closes all privately owned portions of the trail. Any landowners that wish to have their property closed for other portions of the hunting seasons are asked to contact either their local landowner liaison representative or else the RTA Trail Coordinator (trailcoordinator@rideautrail.org) so that appropriate measures can be taken – including the posting of Trail Alerts.
Do you have land near the Rideau Trail?
The Rideau Trail Association is always looking for new areas nearby that could make logical connections to the main Rideau Trail and access to more properties greatly helps in this process as they can support temporary or permanent reroutes of the Rideau Trail or become valuable blue trails that typical branch off from the main Rideau Trail.
Interested or want to know more? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch!
Landowner Appreciation Events
Maintaining positive relationships with the landowners is a priority for the Rideau Trail and on occasion, our clubs host landowner appreciation events. If you want to know when the next one is taking place, be sure to contact your local club representative!