RTA Locks Endeavour
Starting on June 1st, 2024 RTA is offering a new activity called the Locks Endeavour. It consists of hiking, biking or paddling the Rideau Canal Locks. You can combine any of these activities, as long as you visit all the locks from 1 to 49. A new badge will be awarded upon completion. Please make sure you sign up in the Activities Calendar if you would like to participate in any of the RTA organized activities for the Locks Endeavour. You are also free to do the activities by yourself as there is no time limit to complete the RTA Locks Endeavour.
- RTA Locks Endeavour – Biking Information Ottawa to Kingston
- RTA Locks Endeavour – Biking Information Kingston to Ottawa
- RTA Locks Endeavour – Hiking Information
- RTA Locks Endeavour – Hiking GPX Files (coming soon)
- RTA Locks Endeavour – Paddling Information
- RTA Locks Endeavour – Paddling Schedule
- RTA Locks Endeavour – Log Sheet – Please complete the Log sheet and submit it to your Club’s secretary to claim your badge.
Watson’s Rideau Paddling Guide
The Rideau Canal National Historic Site stretches 202 km from Kingston to Ottawa,
connecting visitors with an earlier time when canal building was a means of improving trade and defending a growing nation. Today the canal offers the perfect setting for relaxation and recreation, particularly for the paddler travelling by canoe or kayak.
The Rideau system encompasses 47 locks, 24 lockstations, several historic buildings, and two large watersheds: the Rideau and the Cataraqui. A number of natural paddling environments – lakes, rivers and wetlands – showcase the beauty and diversity of the system.