The AGM is a critical activity where members can both socialize and get updated on key Association issues; including the 2024/25 Financials, the proposed budget for 2025/26, the new RTA Strategic Plan 2025-2030, and the election of Directors for the Board; as well as updates in all areas and award presentation. A priority has been put on providing good food and a nice location this year. There will be a guest speaker at lunch and hikes for those who wish after lunch. Come out and hear all the information, see all your friends, and have an enjoyable day.
Key Documents and Links:
RTA Strategic Plan 2025-2030 (to be put up following the Board Meeting on April 12)
RTA Financials 2024/25 (to be put up around April 15)
RTA Proposed Budget 2025/26 (to be put up following the Board Meeting on April 12)